Eat the rich.
Eat the rich.
You’re missing the point: they ran it at all. They ran it after his treatment discontinuation announcement. It took balls.
May 1 million Iraqis rest in peace.
My only hope is that the president ignores the wishes of him and his family and delivers the eulogy at the funeral... hopefully pushing Meghan away from the mic before going off on a 90 min. speech about how great his presidency is and unhinged rants about the investigation. All while ignoring the person in the box.
1 million Iraqi civilians died as a result of his war.
And that worthless twat will be right back on The View next week talking about how others don’t deserve this kind of care.
Fuck John McCain, he was a craven piece of shit. It’s unfortunate he didn’t die sooner.
If he actually gave a fuck about those people rather than his pathetic reputation as a maverick (which was a fucking fiction I might add) maybe he might have done a bit more to get those people the health care they are entitled to than do a bit of grand standing which seemed to be more about getting back at Dolt 45…
The Onion put out this spicy take yesterday and people clutched their pearls about how awful it was but it’s an honest take:
I’ll start
Being a workaholic is not an admirable trait. CEOs who can’t delegate and who can’t balance responsibilities cannot be successful in the long-run. He clearly isn’t taking the advice of those around him, which is another example of why he’s good at starting businesses but not good at running them well.
As long as they’re handing out millions of dollars to the gaggle of Iraq War-cheerleading Neocon/Neolib assholes they call their “Op-Ed” department, fuck ‘em.
C’mon you’re making it sound like a member of the Hurst family would knowingly give people untrue bullshit solely to protect their interest. That would be yellow journalism and a Hurst would never do that. Nice castle though.
It’s super frustrating for me to see hime choke up and be all relatable without directly addressing what went on, and why he deserves to be back. On @Midnight, he frequently “kept it real” and called out public behavior, but now he’s a sniveling sorry-boi but won’t either say a) it was all bullshit and he deserves to…
adding insult to injury (against Dykestra and any women in his life) is that Hardwick is just a bland, enthusiastic, and supremely boring person who somehow parleyed that into a job. he’s not worth the effort to defend. my heart goes out to Chloe who has to see her abuser’s name splashed over every single headline for…
Health-snacktaku :P
I have tried enough revolting (and a few surprisingly good) vegan food substitutes to know this is a great idea.
Watching him choke down heath foods would probably still be entertaining.
I would still read the shit out of Snacktaku focused on celery and carrot sticks.
I remember when people were shocked that Zuck donated to the GOP too. Of course he did. He wants to use those H-1B visas as a bottomless piggy bank of foreign workers who will come here cheap, stay quiet, and be beholden to Facebook for immigration status.