
@Hey, Boo Boo: I was told they were originally on then they took them off.. I tried several times to add Lost to my instant queue but they were DVD only.. they just put them back.

@Arken: You are right.. they must have just added them.. cause it wasnt so a few weeks ago..

@Arken: uumm... ok so they are streaming all of lost.. just checked it..

@Arken: no they are not.. its DVD only I've checked several times..

@smcallah: I have been on a call and had to remote into a PC with my phone to help solve a problem.. Trust me it comes in very handy, I have had to check movie times while on a call.. reply and IM message.. check and reply email..

Wont ever switch to verizon.. I like being able to use data and voice at the same time.. I do it all the time..

Mine is kindaBoring.. its IEEE 802.11N

@th1x.ca: Apple? And I thought gizmodo was bad for trying to tie every single article back t0 apple.. You on the other hand are...................

Ok I just tried it and it doesnt even suggest Divorce when I type Div or even Divo.. And when I type Dis.. it suggests Disney.. I think it was faked..

Talk about getting what you pay for.. that price sounds about right..

@Promethean: its funny how people try to justify their purchases here.. enjoy your mid-range android phone..

I dont see it..

I really hope this isn't what its about.. not really interested in the Beatles.

Yes.."When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve......."

@Justin: Makes perfect sense.. ok I changed my mind, I want them both..

Well.. personally I dont need 2 cameras on a tablet.. just a front facing one.. and I'm guessing thats what the ipad2 is going to have.. but If they give me a rear one as well I will gladly accept it..

WhatsApp is better than Kik just my 2cents..

lol.. I had a blast.. maybe its cause im sadistic

kitty has some bad hand eye coordination..