
One of my irrational fears is being arrested/going to jail. If I was on trial I think I wouldn’t even drive for fear of running a red or getting a parking ticket, let alone think “hmmm, I’ll just buy this ticket to Mexico as a one way, no one will think that’s shady!”

Know what else hurts innocent people? Giving them false medical tests. 

She seems like an unpleasant person who engaged in shitty fraudulent behavior that not only ripped off investors but gave people false information about their health. She sucks. But ripping parents away from their children is one of the many ways that our carceral state and addiction to mass incarceration causes

sad suburban dads pretending to pay attention to their son’s soccer” Sheesh! Even Thomas looks pasty !!

And nothing will be done about it.

Thomas’s disdain for laws that regulate his own behavior is somehow still shocking. Now let’s wait for a wave of whataboutism from Republican reps and silence from the SCOTUS justices in 3, 2, 1....

In a sane world, he’d resign today or face immediate impeachment.  (although if we had a sane world, he’d have been gone long ago or never seated in the first place.)  

So the whole thing with “Toofer” was based on reality? Did he write that?

The article hints at some kind of animosity - despite the actor saying the exact opposite - and also even states that this isn’t actual news, and was already known, publicly available information.

Funny thing is, if he had simply cut a check, he’d prolly be fine, but he had to try to write it off, because, of course he did. Of course, he’s responded with an irate rant:

My preference would be for him to be locked up in solitary confinement until his court date, or at least, no social media because the lack of attention would kill him.

Every US state except Montana has at-will employment. Sometimes I read these comment sections and think, do people just not realize how few rights they have? Like 90% of people seem to think they have the right to only be fired for cause, they don’t have to worry about the terms of those liability waivers because “you

What about the victims of non-abortion?

Seems like a fairly open invitation to a wrongful dismissal suit ... until you remember that Idaho is a “work at will” state so there is no requirement for the employer to have a reason beyond “I just wanna”.

Who is giving their employer’s legal advice? This is a massive lawsuit waiting to happen. His family have nothing to do with the murders. He has not even been tried yet, let alone convicted. 

Or maybe, just MAYBE, he actually is at fault here? There isn’t much to go on, and chat messages uncovered during discovery directly confirm that unlike their sworn testimony, Sanderson and the only eyewitness (who knows him) were ABSOLUTELY aware that Paltrow was the other party in the crash at the time it happened.

This isn’t even Ross-Rachel-Julie.

Nah, a Gen-Xer wouldn’t have a babysitter. They’d be home alone since age 6

I feel like that's how pretty much how the life of any top of the A list celebrity goes.

Since articles never seem to point it out, perhaps for fear of being sued: Scientologists literally, literally, LITERALLY believe that spaceships came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and that’s the least stupid thing they believe.