While Quinnen Williams was still a player at Alabama last December, he had a funny moment on press row where he…
Welcome to Is This Shoe OK?, an infrequent column about shoes that may or may not be good, as determined by me—an…
Earlier this summer, Christian “humor” site The Babylon Bee (think of it as The Onion, if the blog catered to the…
When times are troubled, when disasters happen, when it feels like we are facing an unfolding national crisis, it is…
Yas, I suppose: Ariana Grande and Social House, “Boyfriend” - Ah, yes, just what I’ve been waiting for: a song about…
Milk: creamy dream, or homogenized disaster? Fortunately we have a platform from which to explore this topic, for…
When Nathan Peterman finished his tour of pain with the Buffalo Bills last November, he wasn’t sent to football…