I find the only really douchey thing about Leo is his propensity to date 20 something blonde models. At the same time though... it’s not like he’s coercing these women to date him, and it’s not like they’re getting a bad end of the bargain (unless they expect marriage or a seriously long term relationship which at…
Yeah, Hemsworth is selling himself short. The order of Chrises is a matter of personal preference apart from first (Pine) and last places (Pratt).
I am completely perplexed as to why Hemsworth would be intimidated by Pratt. Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.
I do find it adorable that Kate & Leo have remained good friends throughout all these years.
Oh no! They are literally disappearing from history! Their confederate hands are fading while playing the guitar at the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance in 1955!
I love the picture of the activists on the base with “Black Lives Matter” spray painted on it.
This is how they should all be removed...with as little fanfare as possible. Make the decision, take them down, and don’t give Nazi and Confederate fanboys time to make sad eyes over their lost heroes - or use them as an excuse to spread death and destruction.
I personally think they should be melted down into urinals, but I’m willing to entertain other options.
This is actually a perfect drawing of what Tom Brady looks like on the insides.
The Aristocrats! The President of the United States!
Agree 100%. This incompetent buffoon does not have the saving grace of dementia as many suppose. He really is as vile, stupid, and narcissistic as he appears without the benefit of a degenerative disease. He is a cheeto-dusted malignant carcinoma. The question at this point is, which will whither and fail first, the…
He has the “I have made a huge mistake” Gob Bluth look on his face.
Did he just ‘hold my beer’ himself?!
Remember that it was less than a decade ago that Republicans were comparing Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain. Today, the man they elected is quite literally defending and appeasing Nazis. And they will defend him. Fuck them all.
Did this press conference really happen or are we all having a stroke?