So you are really just here to state that his comedy is not your cup of tea.
So you are really just here to state that his comedy is not your cup of tea.
He was indeed showing something, but I don’t think it was respect. In order to respect someone else you have to respect yourself first. He does not know the meaning of the word because he’s never understood the concept.
I’m tempted to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt here because he’s always been so committed to preserving the dignity and propriety of our governmental institutions—OH WHATS THAT YOU SAY? ITS ACTUALLY THE LITERAL OPPOSITE OF THAT?
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
No, we’re laughing at the fact that respect worldwide for Donnie Trump is so low he’s being snubbed by First Ladies now.
Apart from insulting, it’s anachronistic, to prepare he should have watched the finest product gay culture had to offer in the mid-80s, Top Gun.
Remember that blind item from a few years back about the franchise star who was using a famous actress as his beard because he was afraid that if he came out work would dry up? I remember the consensus was that it was about Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Maybe he’s dipping a toe in the water to gauge the reaction to…
Will they eat their own, though?
Getting a big raise when a show re-negotiates in the 6th or 7th year is normal, so CBS doesn’t get brownie points for that. In a show like this where the alleged supporting characters have had their roles beefed up over the years into something more approaching a true ensemble, CBS is trying to get off on the cheap…
She gets me sympathies for the way she and her son were treated but referring to her 2 year old as a “27 month old” was an eye roller. He’s 2. Once you reach 2, age by months is no loner needed.
I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.
I’m not trying to be cool, but I had no idea Hawaii Five-0 was still on the air until this controversy.
“’On a recent flight from Houston to Boston, we inaccurately scanned the boarding pass of Ms. Yamauchi’s son.’”
Here’s the takeaway; she didn’t protest and meekly let them force her to carry a heavy child in her lap for the whole trip.
Maybe shitcanning Rahm Emanuel at the next available juncture won’t make any difference, but just in case, why not shitcan Rahm Emanuel.
Not to mention, from a business point of view: you are going to be FLOODED with applications from desperate kids trying to secure their diplomas, and you know what’s going to happen? Many of them are going to quit the second they graduate because they were fulfilling a hostage demand. So every company, restaurant,…
Thats the real rub, isnt it? Forcing poor kids into military service.
Well, that’s just stupid.