
The fatality comes with the 7:00am text the next day: “Sweetie, do they still call it the walk of shame?”

Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.

An alligator in sunglasses- now I’ve seen everything!

The menu is so huge it gives me ordering anxiety (not sure that’s a thing but I have it).

I mean, come on.

Uncle Moe’s Fun Family Feedbag did it better.

Places like McDonalds, KFC, and Taco Bell are rebranding to look less like plastic toys to and more like sleek, modern cafes.

Drake is serving young Luke Perry.

If I remember my Dirt Bags correctly, Kim had some pretty tough pregnancy issues including that wingardium leviosa (sp) where you puke like...all day. Pregnancy sounds awful.

Orphan Blac

This is cracking me up.

As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.

Ugh, I’m really getting sick of language being SO policed. Didn’t anyone with severe allergies also get upset at Lorde and force her to apologize? People die from allergies!

Taylor Swift, the Leprosy of friends and like any friendship with Taylor, it eventually ends with a:

Seems like a pretty solid analogy to me.

Didn’t want to deal with an American death on NK soil. Sending him back still ‘alive’ but in a coma they can now ‘blame’ the US for his ultimate passing.

That confession is the craziest part of all this. The idea that he’s enrolled at the University of Virginia, in a fraternity, and studying abroad but his family is somehow so destitute that he would risk his life for the promise a pickup-truck worth $10,000 it utterly ridiculous. It also makes no sense that a church

They blamed the Obama administration not realizing that NK had zero reason to let the kid go until they realized he was going to die in their custody and they didnt’ want that shit on their hands in the current bellicose environment, no matter how much Kim positions himself as not caring what the West thinks.

This poor kid and his poor family. But damn Trump for politicizing this and making it about what he did for Otto vs. what Obama didn’t do.