
I dropped a pint glass on my daughter's head when she was about 7 months old. She was sitting on the floor next to the dishwasher while I unloaded it, and the glass slipped right out of my hand. She didn't so much as whimper, but I felt like shit for quite a while afterward for being such a numpty.

Given their confidante type relationship and the respect that Lane showed her (at least til that last day) I think Joan felt that Lane indeed loved her, and it was her not returning that love that she felt guilt for...whether that idea of love involved her vagina or not.

I had a friend in high school whose father killed himself in the driveway to their house, right before my friend, her brother, and the exchange student who was living with them would get home from school. He did it on purpose, and said as much in his note, to hurt his wife. He apparently felt that her having to deal

Disney owns Marvel now. Does this mean no more Spider-man ice creams bars from the ice cream truck? No more candy bar tie-ins with films like The Avengers? Hm...

I've batted around the idea of Don being a sociopath, because he certainly possesses some of the qualities: poor impulse control, inability to empathize, manipulative, superficial charm, lack of remorse. The more I think about it, however, the more I think that he developed sociopathic tendencies as a mechanism to

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having the hots for Eccleston (but he's only 10 years older than me - ha!).

The first season of Sarah Jane is what my 10 year old daughter chose to take to the dentist to watch while she had some work done. No one in the office had any clue what it was, but when her fillings were done, the dentist had to pry her assistant away from watching it. He was like "This is the BEST.THING.EVER!" and

It's very simple to understand why she would find that surprising. My entire family is from the south on both sides —- most of them were teachers, preachers, or laborers such as farmers or carpenters. I, too, would be shocked if I ever found out that someone in my lineage ever owned slaves, because for the most part,

Yes, please.

As the mom of an Aisling, I can't say anything to turn you away from it, except that you will get pronunciations that are all over the place. My daughter had the same teacher for 3rd and 4th grade, and she never did learn how to say it. We chose the name because we loved the meaning (and because my family is mostly

"making it okay for Holmes and Watson to finally make out without ew, the gays?"

And...I must have totally missed the flash of text that indicated where he was or what language the little girl was speaking. I had no idea where he was supposed to be —- just somewhere with lots of people where he could hide out and also help people at the same time. Because that's what Bruce Banner does. The scene

Amen, and amen!

My husband used to be a manager with a large electronics retailer, where he supervised a transsexual woman who was originally employed there as a man. When she started making changes to her outward appearance and identifying herself with a female name, she started using the women's restroom. This caused a huge uproar.

My grandmother was actually classmates with Billy Graham at Bob Jones for one year. Then she moved on to Tennessee Wesleyan before ending up at the University of Georgia, where she was poker champion of her dorm and was at constant odds with the dorm mother...there was some incident involving the DM's cat and a bucket

You're deciding what's best for you, and that's a mature and smart thing to do. Tilda Swinton movie marathon sounds awesome. In fact, I want to leave work and do that right now!

THIS is awesome, and I think Arlo would approve, because he is awesome.

When my daughter was in Kindergarten, we got to know the family a couple of houses down because the bus stop was at their house. One day my daughter asked me about the boys' mothers and said, "So they're sort of married? Cool." She never had the expectation that a couple had to be a male/female combination because no

I relented and let my son join this year, but only because we found that rare treasure of troop that doesn't believe in selling popcorn and doesn't give a crap about the homosexuality position statement. Now, if anyone higher up ever got wind of that, I'm not sure what would happen. I am also confident that if my son

The BSA position statement on homosexuality is essentially a "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which was originally enacted in 1991. At that time, I had a very close friend who was on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout. He was all for that position statement, because, as he said, that would keep gay men from being