
Actually, the article says: "Unless they have a medical excuse, they must eat the food served in the cafeteria." It says nothing about religious exceptions. And really, you think you won't find any Muslims in a predominantly black community? Seriously?

No kidding, right? My son used to beg me to paint his nails when I would paint his older sister's. I seriously thought his daycare director was going to crap a brick when I took him in one day with blue fingernails. She asked him if he liked it, he said yes, and she dropped it. My husband kind of did a double take the

I think what bothers me the most about this is that the article states that food allergies and medical conditions are considered exceptions, but nothing of special dietary needs due to religious or ethical beliefs. Kosher? Vegan? Even if these are low income kids who qualify for free or reduced lunch, that doesn't

Amen. When I had my daughter, the only thing the nurses could track down for me at 3 am was a bowl of Frosted Flakes, a bowl of Rice Krispies, milk (fortunately!), some juice, and a can of Sprite (which one of the nurses actually donated from her stash). Woo - sugar! I hadn't really eaten anything since dinner two

I'm not allergic to peanuts, but to tree nuts (walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, etc.). I've had reactions from touching the shopping cart at the grocery store on several occasions, so I'm one of those weird people that you see wiping down the cart before going in to the store.

Research is being done, but no, aside from having an automatic epinephrine injector on hand in the event of an emergency, there are no real treatments for peanut and other nut allergies. And it sucks.