They are losing out on more business than they think they are. I'm sure they are afraid of people just pirating it and yeah that is going to happen. But there is also the millions of us who buy our games legit (be it through Steam, Origin or other).
We are always being punished for the sins of others.
I have tried so hard to get into Deus Ex: Human Revolution I just can't do it.
Was this suppose to be funny? Maybe I'm just not getting it.
This is a no brainer for me as I don't own many 3DS games and also don't like JRPGs (Sorry Fire Emblem). So my clear winner is Luigi's Mansion.
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is easily my pick. Borderlands 2 really hit a home run with this one.
Half-Life 2 was great (as was the first) but I'm not swept up in the HL3 bandwagon. I could care less if VALVe makes another one or not, I just don't get it.
This is a tough one for me. Can't decide between Tomb Raider or Heart of the Swarm.
Obviously I'm excited about all the big AAA titles coming out but I think I am most excited for Transistor. Bastion was one of the best games I have played that I wasn't expecting to be as good as it was.
Gamestop has got SimCity for 39.99$. Not sure for how much longer.
I'm sure you you will all have the cheesy blasters for a few days >.<