I think everyone already agreed that Stephen was a jerk, but thanks for confirming it in a real life way.
I think everyone already agreed that Stephen was a jerk, but thanks for confirming it in a real life way.
you're a monster. i'm getting a restraining order against you.
To be fair you really can't judge her music by the singles they release. The other songs on her albums are always infinitely better than her singles and are way less made-for-mass-consumption, manufactured pop. "All Too Well" rips my heart out every time and I just can't quit it.
Cloud Atlas fucked me up. The scene where the guy kills himself and his boy is on the stairs and they are so close to be reunited just isn't okay. I sobbed so hard as he starts running up the stairs that people in theater were staring at me.
why would the woman be the one that's disgusting? she's not the one that's cheating. she actually wouldn't be doing anything wrong at all.
i'm more upset about that clown than i'll ever be about any instagram trend. that shit ain't right.
personally i would've been much more embarrassed about the truffula tree growing in my ear than the amount of wax, but i guess that's just me.
Also, people who can afford to adopt, typically only want healthy, white babies. The foster care system runneth over with children of color.
Those fucking locker room scenes. Dear Jesus. He is beautiful. Also, this:
If you watch Remember Me be prepared to be in a constant state of rage for 2-3 days. I am assuming that is a totally normal reaction...
I don't struggle with porn. I enjoy it. If you are struggling with porn then you're probably not doing it right.