The polls mean nothing. People will not admit to liking Trump or planning to vote for Trump for obvious reasons. When they are in that booth alone, more people will pull the lever for Trump than 2016.
The polls mean nothing. People will not admit to liking Trump or planning to vote for Trump for obvious reasons. When they are in that booth alone, more people will pull the lever for Trump than 2016.
Not to mention that polls can’t catch the effects of election fraud. Republicans have shown themselves quite willing to just outright cheat so that should be expected.
Speaking of Miley & drugs… I was really disgusted when she said in an interview last year that she was ‘over weed’ because she wants to be a useful member of society and be passionate about things. Believe it or not miley you can smoke weed everyday and not make it your entire identity. I believe she also did a…
Omg 10/10 Mr. Rooney gif usage
“Fredo unhinged” is exactly the puerile nonsense I expect from the treasonous republicans that brought us Traitor Trump and Moscow Mitch.
I wish that rancid sack of mayonnaise would just die already.
Agreed. Not trying to nit-pick his words, but using “females” instead of “women” always rubs me wrong.
I’m tired of these racist ass white people claiming they can no longer support Orange Foolius because he proved to be too racist. Bitch what? All that other racist shit he was talking was just what? Not really racist? All of those racist ass Dolt 45 voters can go fuck themselves. If they’re claiming they changed their…
the whitest picture of the summer
She also believes in fat shaming and praying the fat away, and as a fat atheist I think she can go fuck herself.
When it comes to the assigned reading, never assume that Republicans have done it. I remember parents getting up in arms over certain books at my school and my mom going head to head with them only to find out these protestors never read the books they wanted banned.
COINTELPRO never went away. It was expanded. Any protest originating from POC’s has been demonized and portrayed as a threat. ANTIFA has been twisted into some terrorist organization promoting anarchy. Occupy Wall Street was characterized as a dangerous group. This is the goal of the white supremacist and those that…
I’ve seen this conspiracy being pushed within hours of Epstein’s death. Trump wants to put as much distance between him and Epstein as possible. Guess his base is gonna ignore all that footage of them paling around together
My pit bull type dog wants to know why we can’t just buy her a seat on the plane. She wears a seat belt in the car so buckling up won’t be an issue. I’ll give her the window seat so she won’t have to sit next to you.
Get off Twitter, Irrelevant Rock.
Soooo...since Trump instantly blamed Clinton, it’s a good bet he is somehow involved, right?
I am appalled by Trump, obvs, but i’m equally if not more angry at Melania. She is just as terrible as him and that smug smile is soooo punchable.
Uncle Joe is just that- he’s that racist uncle that a lot of white people have. Sometimes he’s MAGA-level racist and sometimes he’s well meaning, but still kinda racist. Uncle Joe seems to closer to the well meaning, but still kinda racist category.