
I love Clue, which I have never opened. Look at all the papers laying out my plans for a blind trust... wait, not too closely though.

More than one man has commented to me that he couldn’t stand to watch HMT because he didn’t like seeing the mistreatment of women. Huh!

I agree about cultural appropriation, but as someone raised in a very strict Catholic household, I am pretty sure wearing it as a necklace originated as a way to poke holes in that very religion — not sure Madonna was the first but she certainly stands out in my mind as the first, and she also is from a very Catholic

So, would you be cool of someone wore a Jewish kippah as a fashion accessory? How about if they bedazzled it up and put some fun words across it?

My response to Kurt would be something along the lines of, “Are you sure they’re not?”

I’m white so I’m totally open to being corrected on this, but don’t understand why we’d want to keep a black-owned company that first found success in black markets from branching out into other markets? That seems like the point of the commercial to me - to show that the product works on all kinds of hair types and

This is ridiculous. Black ppl need to chill on this one. Theres so few black owned businesses on a national level that are really doing it and we are not going to support them because they want white womens money too? Ok, let’s jus dump our money into Pantene or the other white owned hair care products who jus jumped

Seriously. I don’t care if he is a part-time pet-sitter on his day off. It doesn’t matter who the person is or what they do for a living. What matters is United’s shitty handling of a situation they should’ve just thrown money at. If they’d upped the $$, someone would’ve taken them up on it.

“I Kissed a Girl” is a pretty f’ing homophobic song in it’s own right too. It’s all about performative female sexuality. It’s in no way a celebration of homosexuality.

I think the point isn’t about who IS their market, but who SHOULD be. Why aren’t men buying diapers just as much? Isn’t it their kid too?

I’m not disputing that that’s the reality. But I think even making seemingly innocuous statements like this just reinforces the stereotype that “moms do the child-rearing.”

If he wanted to “act Presidential” he would investigate what happened to Ryan Owens, thank his wife for his service, apologize for the mistakes in the raid that lead to his death, and promise to never make those mistakes again.

Yes, it is fraud and identity theft, undeniably - that’s the crime we’re talking about here. But your imagining of some poor woman whose identity was stolen isn’t necessarily true. It could be that. Just as easily could have been the number of someone deceased. Or could have been a family member whose number she was

It isn’t identity theft as usually defined. For example, sometimes the undocumented will use the name and SSN of a relative who doesn’t work. And, at least in the past, I think they could get tax IDs that weren’t the same thing as a SSN but something employers could have in their books. In other words, they people

This. I haven’t even been joking about this. I’m genuinely wondering what the military is doing right now. Whatever their political views, the top brass likes stability, and Trump is leading us directly towards violence if he doesn’t back off or is stopped.

I was one of those assholes for a long time. I did day to day work in the film industry at the below-the-line level. I made a middle class income.

All that money being stolen by piracy wouldn’t have gone to me anyway, and piracy never - not once - affected my ability to get work. I never had a show that got taken off

It’s no more ethical to steal from the rich than it is to steal from the poor.