Kaykay says spring is here

God, the only thing I don't miss about being vegetarian are the constant comments about how I must consider myself better than people that eat meat (I didn't - it was a choice I made myself), or how I must have a really unhealthy diet (my diet was way healthier than it is now), or people that just want to argue over

No, but you can of course stun the animal in advance to minimise the suffering.

Why is a general reference to slavery suddenly an exclusive reference to slavery of black people? If someone is talking about slavery as a general term, then that includes MILLENNIA of slavery including under the empires of ancient Greece and Rome who were more than happy to enslave their white neighbours.

I have a question to put to you guys as I can't figure it out.

There are humane ways of killing - people and animals (euthanasia anybody? It's not like they run over and slit their throats with a butchers knife).

Copyright claim?????

Lol, sorry, I know there are probably equivalent things about the US that I don't know, but as a Brit this is absolutely mind blowing. Generally it's best to remember it as, United Kingdom = close by with the exception of Republic of Ireland Commonwealth = faraway.

If you're only fighting about the cleaning, get the cleaner. If the cleaning is just the trigger and you are arguing about underlying problems in the relationship, then go to couples therapy. It's probably better to go now when you are in a calm period, rather than when you are in the midst of an argument.

I can only remember ever having two serious arguments with my boyfriend, and I remember what they are about. I know we must have bickered about other things in the meantime, but for the life of me I can't remember what they were about.

Who the fuck doesn't know that Wales is part of the UK?!?!?!

Ladyology has already given you an explanation of rape culture, which was absolutely amazing, but I thought it would be useful to give you a few others. As Ladyology points out, no-one is saying that all men are rapists, inherently evil, etc. You don't have to be a bad person through and through to be perpetuating a

I can't bring myself to like Wahlberg.

I am so glad that I am not the only one who does this!

What programme is this gif from?!?!

This has got to be the QUIETEST ikea that I have ever seen!!! Where are all the thousands of people milling around? How is she able to turn and move in whatever direction she wants? Normally it's like being stuck in the middle of a flock of sheep, which only respond to increasingly aggressive repeats of "Excuse me.

Why on EARTH is Taylor Swift wearing a union jack?

She's just really thin

I know - welcome to the bizarre logic of many men.

Because apparently it's more satisfying for people to try and pick holes in someone's satire, because that isn't the exact approach that they would have used.

I disagree. I don't think the message would have been as strong if it was just Lily surrounded by men. It's a song about feminism after all. How are men going to identify with the issues she is singing about?