Kay is going down with the ship

Taking a class called “sex scenes” by master thespian James Franco strikes me as just maybe possibly a tiny bit like someone choosing to strip (at a conventional establishment) then asking the owner for an apology because he/she felt exploited. Which is not to say he/she was not legimitately exploited, but just, well

I realized on Martin Luther King, Jr. day that I am older than he was when he was killed. It not only made me feel old, but also made me feel small, knowing how much he did in a fairly short life.

I’m referring to the post-smoking phenomenon known as “the munchies”

Plus you’ll sell more from room service

That can be arranged, William H. Macy!

Oh, Bill...

“It’s like a sewing circle when you boys get together.” 


close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely

In an interview with the Guardian, Manning outlines her three main platform positions: close all prisons and release inmates, make hospitals free, and open US borders completely. She’s not messing around.

Whatever you do, stay away from Ghost Dads.

Umm No. Men should learn/listen to non-verbal cues.

I agree that calling him a predator seems inaccurate and I do think this requires a more nuanced conversation about how men and women go about interacting in sexual and romantic situations.

Why isn’t the conversation that men need to learn not to take advantage of people’s obvious discomfort

My takeaway? Old time views on courtship and pursuit cannot co-exist with modern feminism. Do away with “non-verbal cues.” Millennial women cannot harp on affirmative consent and then say “But I gave you non-verbal cues.” Can’t have it both ways.

While I am careful about putting obligations on the part of a woman to not be assaulted, THIS needed to be said. Women are (WILD GENERALIZATION COMING) often eager to please and slow to disappoint. It did not appear that she could not have left, or that she would be facing some negative consequences of telling Ansari

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

I don’t want to get into the business of questioning accusers’ stories (as has been happening since time immemorial).

Funny how if another singer’s death, a celebrity with the exact same views as her would have been reported on this site, you and your ilk wouldn’t have bat an eye lid at comments like mine. Say Ted Nugent died for example. But because you happen to really like this woman it’s suddenly unbearable for you to hear