Kay is going down with the ship

I don’t care how nice it smells. I’m not wearing a perfume I can’t name to my dad when he asks about it. No way.

Here you go.

Lindsey: And also I’d need to see the dick.

The cat-eating is a deal breaker.

I feel like a good rule of thumb is thumb is that if it has white fur pillow and someone dressed as a bunny, it’s a sex party.


“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

Ricky’s, hands down. Less protocol & weird hats, more Puerto Rican food (likely) and music.

I would assume the “shopping for cribs” thing would imply pregnancy on its own...

I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.

I’m not disagreeing with that and I wasn’t saying it just cuz they’re women. I just think they’re the funniest hosts I’ve ever seen, although nick kroll and John mulaney were great last year hosting the independent spirit awards

Really? I looked at that pic and asked, “Him?”

Still salty from Bobby’s post. But everyone on Jezebel (and beyond) is coming for Taylor Swift, like it’s 2016.

Fun Fact: he’s married.

It would really help readers if you put up an actual photo of the goddamned tree.

Rose McGowan Knew.

She really should and she shouldn’t talk when she worked with a known child molester

I sometimes think Rose McGowan should take a deep breath before she tweets. I also believe Meryl is probably very much in a bubble when it comes to her day-to-day life.

I’m confused. All I get out of this story is that he’s a chauvinistic jerk-off like we already knew, but she’s also opportunistic because she had consensual sex with him multiple times, knowing he was newly married. In other words, it’s a non-story about two shitty people.

man I wish I could get drunk and weave all day, that sounds like a great time.