Remember Cat Marnell’s essay about how abortion is bad and terrible and totally murdering a baby, and yes she’s had lots of them and will undoubtedly have more because she hates condoms and birth control makes her fat which makes it perfectly acceptable in her case, but they’re still horrible when anyone else has…
If I want to watch Jamie Dornan be boring as hell, I’ll watch 50 shades.
I made it though the first episode (took me several tries), and I can’t seem to work up any excitement to watch the second.
Mattress, or GTFO.
That is the best description of him ever!
Winona Wasted. I know because getting wasted is totally my jam right now.
Ed Sheeran as a boxer?? HA HA HA HA HA girl please sit down
The only thing I could think about reading this post was “I never want to be touched by Ed Sheeran”.
All that hard work and the guy still comes across as the recipient of a Taylor Swift Make-A-Wish Foundation wish fulfillment.
Yeah, that is bizarre for sure.
We’ve rescued 5 pets and all are defective, mutant creatures. I live on the island of misfit pets. Our one dog has eaten fireworks, crates of clementines (but left the peels) and pretty much every stuffed or plastic toy for the children has been gnawed to itty bitty pieces.
Ares has chewed through four charger cables for my tablet, yet won’t touch any of the zillion types of wires Mr. Werner leaves lying around. We share a mutual hatred; this is only the latest symptom.
I knew I could count on cats to keep this conversation interesting. They’re such jerks for no reason. How is your cat still alive though?
The last time Ed Sheeran claimed he wasn’t popular in high school someone from his school in the comments replied “If by not popular he means that he had loads of friends, was well liked and dated frequently, and was invited to all of the parties thrown by the kids who were popular then yes. I guess he was unpopular.”
also if you move to New York, you have to officially give up any claim to a Masshole identity, it’s one of the blue laws
Bullshit. We all know all it takes for you to commit felony assault is seeing someone in a Bills or Yankees hat walking down the street.
Can vouch for that.
I dunno, maybe they are not as charmed by the nickname “Woo rats” as you are.