Kay is going down with the ship

This. Also my excellent resting bitch face is a big part of my Masshole-ness. This guy is just a racist jackass.

If I had a nickel for every time I yelled “look at this fucking guy” while driving in the Commonwealth, well, I could afford to buy a house there.

And as a way to refer to all of us Massachusetts folks invading New Hampshire to canvass for Hillary! (I volunteered for the campaign in Boston and all we did was get Boston folks to go to NH and call NH folks to vote.)

which, by the way, is much less than what six journalists are facing for covering Inauguration Day protests

I saw a big, beautiful one a couple of weeks ago and nearly wept with joy.

if it weren’t for lower standards, i’d have no standards at all.

I’d be happy to go my whole life without hearing my mom describe my dad’s penis in any way.

All I got from this is the shocking realization about how long it has been since I’ve seen a beautiful penis in person. They have been decidedly underwhelming lately.

Trent from Daria.

His close relative, Shia LaBeouf, however, was not so blessed.

They would all go bad after one day. Ask for tamales and tequila.

The Netherlands, to Donald Trump in language he understands:

I’m just going to keep posting this motherfucker.

So she lost like 4lb? Inspiring.


Middle aged newly-divorced woman here. She is inspirational to me as well!

Sounds like fun.

I’ve heard he can walk AND chew gum

I read it more as her trying to acknowledge her privilege and the limits of her own perspective, but I can also see how one can read it more as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯