I feel you on La La Land. I keep hearing such great things about it but the whole premise sounds BOOOOORING. And cheesy, and cliched, and not compelling at all.
I feel you on La La Land. I keep hearing such great things about it but the whole premise sounds BOOOOORING. And cheesy, and cliched, and not compelling at all.
Yeah, or a new album that she gets to produce all by herself or something.
I hate shit like this.
It will help you scrape it off the bone at least.
Sorry but I only work out on floors made of diamond you fucking plebes.
To be fair, with a well knapped chunk of obsidian you can slice a man in half before he even notices.
from the TMZ article:
“xoJane’s Death Was a Blessing.” Too soon?
It’s pretty substandard as a musical, and for once I found Emma Stone to be unbearable on screen. And I say this as someone who was raised on a steady diet of the classic old time musicals that this film purports to celebrate.
God, I so hope that the date mix-up was intentional.
I thought she sold “inconceivable pain on a variety of fronts” pretty well in those two minutes, though.
This is some petty shit and I am living for it.
That scene in “Manchester By the Sea,” with Williams running into Affleck in the street. It’s pretty fucking unforgettable. She deserves it.
It is not good. I suffered through it. It’s aware of just how precious it is, which just made it self-absorbed and boring as fuck.
La La’s one of those movies you just know in your bones is wrong and bad, without having to watch a second of it. AFI could put it at #1 above Kane and Casablanca and I still wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole.
I’m never having kids.