Kay is going down with the ship

This guy:

At this point, I wish this too. I genuinely think that Pence would be better, because I don’t think that Pence would get into a nuclear war over a few insults.

“At the end of 8 years”. Oh go fuck yourself

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.

I just cannot believe I’m sitting here cheering for BuzzFeed, which I could have sworn just yesterday was a blog for cat videos and jokes about how hard “adulting” is.

“Trump later called it a “failing piece of garbage,” and said it would “suffer the consequences” for publishing the report.”

“Morris is by no means the easiest person to understand or sympathize with, but she was clearly someone who lived life on her own terms. That’s what makes her so fascinating.”

People need to stop asking for this. She should be in prison. Going to prison for a very long time is what is supposed to happen when you do what she did.

What good did she do?

Never having seen an episode of 7th Heaven, I can still swear with certitude that Catherine Hicks’ quip about Collins’ coffin in still the best thing about that show ever.

Yeah, I’m...not happy with this. I feel as a feminist liberal I should be, but I’m not. She committed a crime. Maybe she should be moved to a woman’s prison, but I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but I believe that prison should be a punishment.

Manning knew what she was doing. She dumped millions of unread intelligence documents, without regard to the safety of people who put their lives at risk to help the United States. It was not an act of a whistle-blower, it was the act of a disgruntled PFC in the Army who was mad her life and career were going nowhere.

When life gives you Plemmons, make Plemonade is my motto!

this is the happy news I needed today.

“In the upcoming movie ‘Mary Magdalene’ Rooney Mara plays the title character, with Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ.”

As access to abortion becomes more restricted and people continue to believe sex education encourages sex, more botched at home abortions will happen. Men and women against abortion will insist these laws save lives, will pay no attention to ho many it ruins and continue to believe anyone who dies attempting abortion

As someone who needs to use those spaces,I’ll tell you what I see as the problem with this . There were many, many other places where he can sit without any problem available at the moment this photo was taken. It shows, firstly, that he thinks he is above the need to obey these little ‘niceties’. In what other,

It’s almost like different people can....feel differently!!!!!

It’s like looking at some weird hipster Gollum

picture La La Land as being about Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift