Kay is going down with the ship

What’s amazing to me is that a 70-year-old man is completely unable to ignore insults. He has the emotional maturity of a five-year-old and probably the mental acuity to match. He basically only HAS one come-back whenever he is attacked and that is to simply demean the person who he believes insulted him. He almost

pro-choice IS pro-women

No, no. It’s a huge factory farm kind of thing, with overcrowded cages full of beautiful bouncing babies, waiting to be slaughtered by evil sex-having witches.

Prepare to be surrounded by love and acceptance, motherfuckers, even if we don’t know your ~secret agenda~. See you there, dillweeds but also sisters who’ve internalized misogyny and religion!

Isn’t “the abortion industry” just, like, healthcare providers?

Seems apropos:

I liked fucking this guy.*

She perhaps could have been more diplomatic in her response, but that does not make your interpretation any more correct. Just take the L.

A veteran criminal gang with 3 women and a 72 year old master counterfeiter? Can we get a show about them? They sound infinitely more interesting than the Kardashians.

My favourite is all the charges on here of white RACISM!! “They” think all black people look alike/all movies with mostly black people are the same!!

Omg you’re totally right and I just saw the movie two nights ago! Hahahahaha they all look the same though right?

Because all black people look alike.

Dick Clark Productions struck again!

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

All I care about is seeing what kind of sexy, low-cut gown the First Lady Daughter will be wearing.

Your logic has no place here.

Why? People say the same shit when erotica for women is created, that somehow only men are interested in sexy stuff. Not everything is made for men.

Just don’t see him again. It’s really that simple, we’ve all been there made a bad call and decided after we didn’t feel great about the interaction that doesn’t mean anything bad about you. It’s ok to feel uncomfortable if you feel you were coerced but you aren’t bad and it’s ok, you’ll be alright just don’t see him

That seems like an expensive way to get laid. Isn’t there a cover charge? And I’m sure drinks are marked up. Why not download tinder like a normal person?