
@howdini: I only wish I could get the magazine came with the online sub.

@forbetaorworse: On suggestion of a Lifehacker post, I tried out CI and immediately fell in love. Worth every penny. I was upset to not see it on here.

I demand FoodSciencemodo.com

I cannot find this game on my iPhone's app store. iPad only?

No mention of Moto?

@gophur: Yep I actually cook and I do follow food sciences (actually thinking of going back to grad school for food science). I love tinkering with food, so I think I'll actually subscribe to Cook's. Is the online sub a lot cheaper than offline sub? I think they wanted 30$/yr for online.

@kingjoeyjr: Wow really? I've never heard of this company. I love food science things, so you'd say I'd love Cooks Illustrated?

@Curves: Who doesn't want booty?

@swizzle23: Unless the GM and the official release are the same, it's logical to say mere hours after iOS 4.1 was released.

@4th_Dimension: These are not patches, they are the full OS. Apple doesn't release "patches" they release a full OS build to install over what you have now.

@ortizlgnd4: Or, you know, buy a real portable gaming console, like the DS or PSP.

@allgoodpeople: Because people will rush out to buy iPhones _just_ for this.

@Barcard: What is the definition of a "snaggle of dust"??

@IGotTheGuns: Meaning, it is better than what a lot of people still use today. Many people can't get cable or fiber optic, and some can't even get DSL.. so they have to resort to dialup. I know my family had to use dialup for a while when they moved to a rural part of Virginia. The point is that 10 years to

@IGotTheGuns: Better than dial up, which is still being used.