
I think you forget one major point to their pricing model. You could easily (and cheaply) RENT the same game. I rented Batman AC for 2 weekends (I think 6$/3 days, twice) and finished the game with spending 1/4 of the MSRP.

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I think the big issue (which really has no solution) is that buying mobile phone software is non-tangible, and is mostly non-refundable/exchangeable. We have no problem buying a $5 cup of coffee because we can hold it and use it, but a $0.99 app that has one simple function is something we haven't been accustomed to,

How is this a "hack"? It's posting a bunch of pictures of yourself...

@Apostropartheid: Oh, I thought I saw the $800 number on the news or something. Still, not like they were shutting down the schools or something.

It took an increase of what, $800?, to get these students to rise up and revolt, but we Americans get our bodies dosed with radiation so we can show the TSA our naked bodies and we just sit and take it? Jeez.

@ddmeightball: Other than plugins, what do you get for buying a license?

Why is Gizmodo the only place to find this??

@Hank Scorpio: For some people, they can only think of "like Earth" to be realistic. Probably believe that all higher-end life forms have arms/legs/walk around.

@Moonshadow Kati: Not to mention that on-screen "gamepad" requires half of the screen to be useful.

@Moonshadow Kati: No hardware keyboard = horrible playing experience. I honestly can't remember exactly what games were having issues.

@Moonshadow Kati: Ah really? That good? That's awesome.. I remember downloading an SNES emulator for my iPhone and it had trouble with some games. PSX on Epic sounds.. well.. epic. :\

@lavendergooms: Oh and he told us that during some of the real cold days he was so hot in his house that he was having AC battles with his kids. Really not the right thing to say when you refuse to fix heat for your tenants. He'd rather rent the house to a bunch of illegals who overcrowd/trash the property than to

@lavendergooms: Yep it's bad. He's sent us rude txt messages (where we have only dealt through cert. mail since we had an issue) that we're harassing him and we're playing with fire and that he still reserves the right to come after us for leaving early. Any judge would laugh him out of court as we have numerous

@Moonshadow Kati: How well does it run emulated PSX games? I just got my Epic last week and I'm still looking for quality games.

Oh landlords... what a strange species. I just broke a lease from a psychotic landlord who argued with me that the apartment we were renting was adequately heated. Funny, I thought furnaces had to actually be _hooked up_ to work. Sent a certified mail request (WHICH ALL REPAIR REQUESTS SHOULD BE SENT BY!) to which

@marvin_rock: So how is PowerAmp? Just downloaded the trial.. have been using Mixzing until now.