
@farcedude: You don't need to make margaritas if you just drink PBR.

Apparently she can live without a database connection too.

What the fuck is this?

@mjschmidt: Did you, yanno, watch the video? @3:00 they show that there is a piece of plastic or something that reveals the cards while preventing others from looking at it.

@notfred: This has nothing to do with jailbreaking (although it uses the same method.. please RTFA). You can actually jailbreak to *secure your iPhone* rather than wait for a patch from Apple.

Gotten worse in NY — 200kbps down, 50kbps up.

Just goes to show you that Japanese people will make a cartoon about anything.

Audible came out this week for iPhone — why no love?

@Lightbourn: Welcome to the Internet. You must be new here.

@dethklokso: Cool thing about the book was to turn off AR you just took the glasses off and you were logged off. Want to log back in? Just put the glasses back on.

@dethklokso: Read the book Daemon, they do it using sunglasses.

@michelito: Apple is known to deploy new versions to combat jailbreaking. See 3.1.3 for example.

@scytalezero: "The iPhone app current has 4.5/5 stars on iTunes."

@soulsiphon, Malakite Vassal of War: I just grabbed a random popular rap artist, didn't feel like researching him TBH. Just not please with lack of good hip-hop artists.

Still no Lupe, yet they have Timbaland? Lame as hell.