
@cap-n-crunch: What a sad day in our history when people thing an iPod or a PS2 are essential living equipment.

I guess I'm part of that under 40 percent. A clear mind and body is a good mind and body.

@Celtic1888: I don't know what you do, but with my job there is always work to be done. Especially in the age of BlackBerries and laptops with WiFi/Wireless data cards, people at my job are routinely doing 9-6, waking up in the middle of the night to deal with production problems, to install software into production,

Well then. I know what to say the next time my boss tells us we need to "burn the midnight oil."

Obligatory "grind your own spices for great success" post.

Girlfriend and I moved into a new apartment this past weekend so I picked up one of these to minimize number of keys: [www.homedepot.com]

@Guard: "hackers had found ways ot play pirated games using the Other OS feature." — Where's your source, again? They are referencing George Hotz's discovery of accessing the OS via a very hard and labor intensive method. Nowhere did he/anyone mention piracy except for the press/Sony using it as a scare tactic.

@Guard: Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

@DukeOfPwn: Last I checked you can't buy a netbook for $50.00.

@pouncep: Sometimes it's cheaper to get VOIP, TV and Cable internet (triple play-ish deal). Back in my old apartment, it was 99$/mo for all three, if I dropped phone I would have paid around 130$/mo for the same service. No brainer in my opinion.

@magnus33: Welcome to the world of service packs. You must be new here.

@mricyfire: Did you not read the part where he said not like the iPhone?

@jellotek: Did you even see what is required to get as deep as geohot did? Requires opening up the machine and soldering on top of using Linux AFAIK. Not for your every day torrent downloader.

@johnnywashngo: Yes blame the hacker for a blown-out-of-proportion response by Sony. That'll teach 'em.