
double post... :(


Hm this swag would look good next to my unopened Arcadia wine bottle...

@ossuary: So what would the mic be for if you didn't want the "unpleasant cell phone bits" then? Last I checked a microphone on a portable device is generally for making calls.

"If you are good at your job, and you travel a lot, no one counts how many days you take off."

@reynwrap582: We bring our laptops home with us daily :( I keep telling the IT guy I'm friends with to do that to him, but he won't do it... #officeculture

@kayfouroh: Just an update from something I remembered about my boss.

I have to say, my work situation is pretty bad (but probably not unique)! I joined into my job maybe 1.5 yrs ago as a QA engineer and ever since, it seems like I'm taking 99% of the workload. I brought this to the attention of my manager and boss and they said they appreciate my work and will talk to my coworker

@Raziel66: You know, after I posted that, I was thinking that I _DID_ get them mixed up. Air strike + Helicopter for MW1 . ;)

I don't know, this kinda seems lame. I sort of like the dogs and helicopter from MW1 because they were avoidable/interactive. A nuke is just bullshit, and I think if I got hit with a nuke and couldn't do anything I'd be pissed and not want to play... #modernwarfare2

@AD.Munck: Too bad two wrongs don't make a right, and Microsoft would have a lawsuit waiting to happen. #xboxlive

I have to say, I love 7. On old Win XP computers, if I replaced the motherboard, it required a reinstall of the OS. My HTPC is running 7 Pro and my MB went. I replaced it with a new board and Win 7 went to work reinstalling all the drivers and everything. The system is up and running great with very minimal effort

I have to say, I love 7. On old Win XP computers, if I replaced the motherboard, it required a reinstall of the OS. My HTPC is running 7 Pro and my MB went. I replaced it with a new board and Win 7 went to work reinstalling all the drivers and everything. The system is up and running great with very minimal effort

@helava: Honestly, much props for Word Ace. One of my top games. Any word on bringing Card Ace to the iPhone? My friend is mocking me with it on his Pre.

@helava: You work for Self Aware games? I <3 Word Ace, it was one of the first games I downloaded when I got my 3GS. Much props for that game, although I do not like how people can cheat on the Pre because of multitasking :(

@odyssey1988: As am I.. I'm the idiot walking towards the camera. Walking towards the rising sun != good facial expression.

@Goodplann56: See my post right under yours.. it has the google maps location pointed out.