

I'm a black single mother over 50. I don't think he's toxic. He does point out that men like submissive women in good physical shape. He encourages mental health therapy and is seemingly honest about his own preferences in women. Most men on his platform and many many women agree with many of his assessments. Looking

Ummm? Idk. Not so fast. There are still plenty of women out there like the one that lied about an assault and got Rosewood burned down and many killed. Or I’m reminded of Emmitt Till. I had a roommate once that was a convincing victim, as she lied thru her teeth. Her reason? Athlete boyfriend bumped her then dumped

I agree with Megan. Women should be respected and protected by their men. I also believe women should take care of themselves. I shudder to think this is the first time Torey L. displayed dangerous behavior. Women date and associate with dangerous men and then lament when the ops comes a shooting or otherwise

She can sue for sure. Depends on DA if a criminal action is prosecuted. Also the burden of proof is just “more likely than not” in a civil procedure. The burden increases to “beyond a reasonable doubt” for crimes. It is much easier to hit him in the pocket. Money talks.

Aint that the truth!!

That part!!

This is article is right on point.  Let the bodies “drip drop.”