Kaycee Jarrard

Oddly enough I keep thinking Zach Woods would be a good Jared Kushner whenever they do the movie.

The scene sells me because that's my favorite Who song, and I never once expected anyone to remember it, much less someone to put it on TV.

I'm not really a fan of The Final Cut, for the same reason a lot of poeple aren't. My issues aren't just that Roger Waters was at his most maniacle, it's that it's a dark and depressing album, but a *monotonus* dark and depressing album. Every song is "War makes me sad! Here's my problem with war!".

I'll admit I simplified it for the sake of a joke. Rick did have a cocaine problem at the time, but in regards to Writers block, he did release Wet Dreams around the same time. It's not very flashy, but I really love it. He definitely could put out original content at the time, but a timid introvert going up against

Surprised there wasn't a mention of Pink Floyd's Two Suns in the Sunset.

Was anyone able to make out Frank's Confession? I got something about "Kennedy" and "Bridge" but that's about it.

This is unbelievably tragic, and I feel bad for noticing that on the same day Clickhole did a joke about Lion attacks with a cast member of Game of Thrones, this news broke.

"We're not going to tell you what to think about…" after using the previous paragraph to do just that.

Like every God lovin', Pants hatin' American, I think Clickhole is something truly incredible…