
-Daryl using a walker as a bullet shield
-Carol and Daryl surviving a fall off an overpass, in a van with a cat-like ability to land on its feet… er, tires.

Haven't you been paying attention? Even though walkers have squishy skulls and easy-to-tug-off limbs, they're still freakishly strong. And strangely stealthy, despite the snarling and shuffling… ;)

Carl told Deanna in his interview that he'd had to "kill" Lori, so if she didn't know before, she does now.

They're in Washington, D.C., not Washington state. D.C. is very small, but has a high population density, especially with the commuter suburbs in Virginia and Maryland. Hard to believe they could have evacuated all those people.

My black lab rarely barks, and his noisiest greeting is the THUMP THUMP THUMP of his tail on the mudroom wall when we come in from the garage. Best. Dog. Ever! :)

Yes. Jessie's husband is Pete. Tobin was the guy who offered Carol shooting lessons.

Signs like…her boyfriend who was also the father of her child?

I think the doc is an alcoholic. That would explain the difference in his attitudes towards Rick, and his snapping at Jessie when she tried to stop him from going for a drink at the party. And at the end, when he tried to put his arm around Jessie, it looked like she side-stepped out of reach. She isn't tense

Or take out the supports and let the wall fall over.

Sasha wasn't with Abe's group when he found the firetruck. She was with the group that went to find Carol & Beth.