
I believe both Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat's are sexist, and that they do not have high opinions of women in general, which leads to the problems with lesbians and bisexuals. There is a conversation where Oswin talks about how she had been with a woman and that she was "Going Through a Phase" right there is bi

It's sexually assault when he does it to men as well, I was using Jenny as an example for there stance on lesbian women. It is sexually assault. It's not okay to grab someone and force them into a kiss, when the other person clearly doesn't want it, and it's bad message to portray on TV, because then people think that

Yea, I completely agree, the same why I dislike the use of the n-word in rap songs, I think it's a vile word and shouldn't be used on either side, I don't like women using the c-word, other word I won't even utter, or calling each other "Bitches" and "Sluts".
I find it hard to believe that just because they have a gay

Does it not bother you that a married lesbian (Jenny) was sexually assault by the Doctor, he grabbed her forced her into a kiss, laughed at her when she slapped him and then made boner jokes about her.

Mark Gatiss has actually said offensive things in the past about the Bisexual community, which have left people in the LGTB community with a bitter taste in there mouth. He also wrote a scene in Doctor Who where the lead male character (The Doctor) grabs and forces a married lesbian woman into kiss, and then

Actually from what I've hear Mark Gatiss has said some pretty awful things about the Bisexually community, claiming that Bisexually doesn't exist, and it's extremely "Rare" all because he called himself bisexual before coming out as gay. So I know alot of people in the LGBT community who are not happy with him and his