Let me get to it first:
Let me get to it first:
Someone quit a womens group that I’m in for the same reason. Too bad, so sad.
and like, be normal and shit.
This infuriates me. My ww coworker is now giving me the “silent treatment” because I called her out on her racism and privilege. My husband says that she feels I owe her an apology.
A quick heads-up: The University of Northern Colorado men’s hoops team was way ahead of this shit. In 2002, the NA-heavy team (which also had white and Latino players) voted to rename themselves the “Fightin’ Whites,” often reported as the “Fightin’ Whities” (they eventually cranked out merchandise featuring both…
This is truly something that should be taught in schools. Think how much trouble could be saved by playing the song and explaining the lyrics in classrooms and break rooms nationwide.
Her: “I didn’t do anything!”
In immortal words of Sir Lil’ Jon in the seminal Youngbloodz classic “Damn!”;
Ahh, I see that Becky With the Busted Lip was unaware of the “Talk Shit, Get Hit” clause in subsection A, Paragraph 3 of The Wypipo’s Guide to Not Getting Your Ass Whooped, in which it clearly explained that “talking shit” does indeed include the snatching of things, which includes both edges and protest signs.
Thank you for the article. I didn’t have any evidence at the ready to refute her insistence that my lady bits are gross, so I sent her the link. Hopefully it’ll change her mind, but I’m doubtful. Society has already taught her that the vagina is not ok in it’s natural state.
Maybe its because I don’t like the woman on a daily basis, but I recently got into an argument with my co-worker... About stretch marks. LOL!
Actually, all aesthetics aside, she’s mistaken. The hair actually grows there for the purpose of hygiene, to guard the interior against bacteria. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/body/health/news/a44439/shaving-pubic-hair-hygienic/
I got into a heated debate with a good friend about my refusal shave my pubic area. I won’t shave my underarms or the vag, yet I’ll shave my legs. She finds it incredibly gross when women are unshaven in the vaginal region. I asked what she found “incredibly gross” about it. But she couldn’t even provide any…
So here’s the thing: You all know he’s doing this nonsense to promote his music? Every time someone criticizes him, they start with, “He’s a musical genius but...” “He’s an amazing artist, but...” “He’s Mozart f*ing reborn, but...” He knows this. He laps it up. Hate’s just the medium he uses to get the message he…
Who had the best poker face, the Easter Bunny, whose face is sewed on or Melania, who is probably used to having to show no expression from all the times Donald has laid on top of her to do his “man business”?
“You don’t realize how much you shrink to make white people comfortable until you consciously stop.”
When it comes to respectability politics, I am confronted with it, at least, twice a month while I am at work. Its always with the same black colleague, too.
Fun fact: once my cousin JJ told the titas that they always made too much food and that he hated eating leftovers. Well. My tita baby grabbed him by the ear and proceeded to scold him “dont you know that we had a nipa hut and your mommy sold rice cakes so we could eat? pambihira! you are giving me a heart attack”. And…
I cried at the karaoke part. Damn