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    That’s why the US, Saudis and Israelis fund mercenaries like ISIS and Al Nusra. Notice how none of these mercenaries attack Israel, the US or Saudi Arabia?There is a reason for that. A draft is unnecessary when you can pay more for a few thousand seriously deranged psychopaths to do the work for you. It also keeps WAR

    What IS the point to 150 countries? There are actually 900 military bases abroad with more being created day after day...it is UNNECESSARY.

    Of course they do. The people they do not want to know, is the American people. WAR is kept secret from the American people, as it goes on ‘over there’s and not ‘here’.

    Actually, the troop deployment for the US AFRICOM project started under Obama is 20,000. More in Afghanistan. I read an article at another site that discussed this topic, having quoted Trump as saying he did not want the public to know how many troops were actually deployed, saying the MIC needed to keep these secrets