
Agreed. And the Michael Sam parallel is weak. Gay men have never legally been barred from the NFL.

And coming from a doctor?

Wouldn't it be much easier for him just tell gay men to ignore FDA rules?

I didn't think there was a better pregame speech than Coach Norman Dale's, but there it is.

So THAT'S what the Browns did with the rights money from "Draft Day."

Considering the league he plays in, that's probably not the first time he's had to give himself a hand.

Very good point. Lazy journalism, really.

"You know, I think the discussion has stopped. And the public has just accepted it."

More people will read that than Magary's latest book.

"Also, Mom, Mary Kay says you can start Monday."

+ some cherry-flavored Pez.

"Marlins cut bait," page C-9.

Can somebody help Meredyth out with the definition of "mansion?" Tiger Woods' garage spits on James Blake's 5,800 square feet.


No more J-Block parties.

Since the game was in Philly, I can only assume the sign maker was trying to say "Hans Grubendorf's artery-clogging dudelmunch sauerkraut schnitzel bread much good for you, yah?"

Somewhat derivative of Jimi Hendrix's Axis: Bold as Love. But weirder.

What would the reaction be if Sterling was out of his mind from syphilis? Because that seems the more plausible scenario.

James Gandolfini would be spinning in his grave - you know, if his bloated carcass wasn't shoehorned into a coffin.

My opinion: If schools want to change this type of behavior in their athletes - not saying these guys are necessarily guilty - they need to get boosters and alumni to care more about prevention. If people like Phil Knight said not a dime more if this stuff goes on, you can bet action would be taken.