They do have a way with words, don’t they? We are not that far removed though. What a woman wears has often been considered, if not an enticement, certainly a contributory factor, should she cause her own rape.
They do have a way with words, don’t they? We are not that far removed though. What a woman wears has often been considered, if not an enticement, certainly a contributory factor, should she cause her own rape.
Of course, but that guy is an international disgrace so his opinions on issues are not worth the Tweets they’re printed on.
Was it the snoring, because it was probably the snoring.
Kim looks like a poorly made Cher wax figure.
Star for "testyria"
None of those have ever happened to me (I’m a 36 yo physician), so I think there are some women who, through luck and personality, escape the terribly misogynistic world we live in relatively unscathed.
He cannot see any value in a woman who would go so far as to question him. The only way women can get a slight bit of attention from him is if they look at certain way and bow to his demands. Otherwise, he has no time for them; he especially has no time for beautiful and smart women who question him.
Hell, in my early 20s, I went out drinking and dancing and half the night just disappeared from my memory. I wasn’t an alcoholic, I just drank too much on occasion, and that’s the only time it happened. I certainly didn’t get stumbling, angry, rapey drunk with my friends all the time. This asshole is a lying sexual…
“Oh, poor top-paid executives who can’t get his job back,” Fonda said, reportedly with extreme sarcasm. “Fuck it! Sweep the floor at Starbucks until you learn! If you can’t learn, you don’t belong in the boardroom. And there are plenty of women who do belong in the boardroom.”
Everyone who gets famous and powerful enough to have a platform of power to abuse got there in some measure through luck. Usually, there was some talent there, too, but they got seen by the right person at the right time or they happened to take advantage of the right opportunity at the right time or they just…
Is the world so bereft of male talent that these few precious writers, comedians, directors, chefs, politicians, executives, judges, etc., etc., and of course etc. must be “rehabilitated” at all costs? Are their works so important, so poignant, so critical to our understanding of the human condition that to lose them…
I feel like all these dudes are running around yelling “My penis! My penis! But what about my penis???”