Otaku Goddess

I was too young to really understand, but cousins used to talk about how movie and music labels tried to fight VHS tapes and cassettes being sold to the public as they made it too easy to steal their works. Said they wanted a special tax on tapes and cassettes to make up for their lost profits. They lost their case

Man, I had to reply to this…

OMG, can you imagine the shit storm that would spew from the right if Hillary nominated Michelle as a Supreme Court Justice? There wouldn’t be enough popcorn in the galaxy for that shit show.

Her instagram account is full of pics from the commencement, highlighting students of color graduating today!

The attitude is cool when used assertively and appropriately, like Nicki does. This isn’t some random rant about Papa John’s delivery, this is about standing up to a user and putting self-care and respect ahead of caving to pressure and curating an image of serenity. This is something a lot of women have trouble doing

Oh please. This tired ass excuse of “They don’t know about American blah blah whatever racism blah colorism blah blah representation” so you can’t blame them for their words.

Yeah, I think in America, people tend to think of “racial issues” as concerning white people’s racism against black people. And because that’s the kind of racism that tends to get thought about and talked about most (even though it’s still not talked about nearly enough), I think that probably causes some misplaced

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

You’re right. If your boss is being mean to you, bullying you by not inviting you to company parties or important events, scheduling meetings when he knows you cannot attend... and then after 3 years of abuse you quit... one could certainly say “well you wanted to leave!” and completely ignore the fact that you wanted

Bernie has plenty of women and feminists who support him (myself included). The “Berniebro” narrative you and others are pushing is harming your candidate’s campaign, based as it is in a fiction.

I can’t stop saying this! I support Hillary but never say anything negative about Bernie because I don’t want to poison others against him should he win the nomination. Why is this so fucking hard to understand?

Everyone on either side of the Hillary/Bernie divide needs to have all the fucking seats and shut the hell up already. I might not survive until November.

its not cream cheese???

You can’t make this comment someone else made it first. You could have saved time and just starred theirs.

Now playing

We’ll just have to wait until the show is licensed to schools and youth theatre camps, when this is what will literally happen. XD

Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.

She still isn’t African-American, whether you want to quibble with Pueto Rico being America or not. She is an Afro-Latina it is different to being African-American.