Otaku Goddess

To be honest, I am not shocked at all. There is a very racist underlying tone within interracial coupling in the UK. Clearly, the US is not any better. What I do find refreshing is that Harry stepped it up. Unlike Twilight guy who did nothing when people were attacking his FKA Twigs. From reading that letter Harry

I’m not terribly concerned about upsetting Beyoncé. However, I am freaking terrified of upsetting the Bey-hive!

troll the racist fucks out of country music so they have nothing but Rebecca Black to turn to.

This isn’t a fucking salad. I am a white woman who grew up in Northern Michigan and I know that collard greens are fucking cooked. This was mentioned multiple times - but you were too busy up on your high, gentrified horse to actually read.

It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun

So Damned true. Its this deliberately hidden history which gives so many people, including trump, the cover to deny the contributions of people of color to this nations progress. It is particularly galling that many of those deniers work with smart capable people of color every DAMNED day, and went to school with

That is a great question. Thank you for asking.

But her objections up until this have been that she was not informed her name would be invoked, that he was taking credit for her fame, that she was “humiliated” — implying that the sex part is what she was objecting to (and in the video she does say “it did kind of make me famous” so that implies that there was even

If it does we can rest assured there won't be any ghost dogs. They're all n heaven already.

“they don’t kill white people everyday” is not the same as “pretty much always treated fairly by the police”

Um, excuse me, but Erin Miller is 1/36th Cherokee AND her Irish ancestors who came to America were, like, slaves and so she knows, okay. This isn’t about her. It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.

Respectfully Submitted:

Well, as someone who stopped shaving, I’m pretty sick of everyone telling me I’m unhygenic/gross/ugly/smelly and lazy because I have hair. I’m also tired of seeing dudes (who probably wouldn’t go down anyway) claim any hair on a woman is the reason they won’t eat her out.

I don’t think it’s dumb. The Beastie Boys aren’t black, but they grew up in Brooklyn and no one questions their authentic love for hip-hop or calls them “cultural tourists” or whatever, because they are seen as sincere. (eta: as does your love of bluegrass music)

I notice you say bi-racial, but no mention of what races... My kids are bi-racial as well, and have no experience being a black person in America. And, even if you happen to have some “black” in you, you’ve clearly managed to ignore the reality of so many of “your people.” (And let me be clear, I am only responding in

i knowww i want to celebrate and gush about wendy davis but i feel like this isnt a good post for it because the issue in this post is an important topic.

I was too young to really understand, but cousins used to talk about how movie and music labels tried to fight VHS tapes and cassettes being sold to the public as they made it too easy to steal their works. Said they wanted a special tax on tapes and cassettes to make up for their lost profits. They lost their case