This is what scares me the most, not so much Trump himself but what Trump may be laying the groundwork for.
This is what scares me the most, not so much Trump himself but what Trump may be laying the groundwork for.
A sterling example of the very high quality discourse from today’s left wing.
Yeah, it’s always sucked to some degree, but this “trial by social media” age we live in is something new and I think it’s something dangerous.
And trying to spin asking questions as something bad is a great line for those who don’t want people to think for themselves.
I can respect that view, but I’m cynical and I assume the easier you make something able to be abused the more people are going to abuse it.
Ok, even if we’re just talking the court of public opinion, then the court of public opinion these days fucking sucks, is that fair enough to say?
No, that’s not good either.
I’m clearly a misogynist because I don’t mindlessly accept whatever I’m told and instead ask questions and try to raise a dialect about things?
Because I don’t think this “fix” is the right choice.
Well, McCarthyism, witch hunts, whatever you want to call it, you get what I’m saying.
We’ll see how it goes, but the fact that AMC was willing to do this so fast, without waiting for further evidence, is worrying.
And another thing.
I haven’t picked a side because I don’t know these people, I wasn’t there.
So you admit it’s about vengeance and not justice? You honestly don’t care if an innocent man gets hurt because I guess men in general have it coming?
This is what we hope and like to think, but what if this system can be abused?
So it’s ok for more innocent people to get hurt because innocent people have gotten hurt in the past? That’s justice?
Yeah, but he’s a man, so why should we believe him?
It was a bunch of stupid bullshit that helped lower the bar in American culture, fuck him and fuck this show.
I’m just going to say this, this is McCarthyism resurrected.
It really is weird how this franchise doesn’t seem to want to move past TNG continuity wise, seemingly doing everything it can BUT that.