Kawaii as Fuck

Why is it so hard for Hollywood to make an Iraq war movie that isn’t a bunch of sanctimonious claptrap?

That fucking “Where’s Your Head At?” song, oh man. 

Please understand that if God IS real, His wrath is going to be felt by hypocrites like Sessions.

What you’re citing are old testament laws which, by virtue of the fact of Christ’s sacrifice, we are no longer required to obey.

That’s the irony of it, America would be a better place if actually WAS more of a Christian nation, but Christian as in following the teachings of the man himself, which all too often get conveniently forgotten.

Every group has it’s bad apples, let’s not go throwing out the baby with the bathwater and become hostile to nerds in general because of those bad apples.

So being a male celebrity these days is basically like a game of Sid Meier’s Pirates where you can only ride it for so long before having to “retire” and hoping you’ve made yourself enough of a nest egg.

Web Soup was pretty funny but that’s about the end of my experience with Chris Hardwick.

Call the police, we don’t HAVE a wax statue!

Hey man, get your BUNS outta my eyes!

The Outsider at least establishes itself very much as “present day” with the topical references, but you’re right a lot of recent non-Maine set novels have just been generic “America!” settings without much in the way of world building.

Yikes indeed, but to be fair it was just a story conference where they were just brainstorming ideas, rather than an idea he had his heart set on.

Man Alive!

Only the foundation of the Overlook itself remains, but there’s also a newly built Lodge nearby.

Doctor Sleep is ok, but the important thing to remember is it’s less of a sequel to The Shining and more of a story that just happens to feature an adult Danny Torrance, which while there are ties to The Shining of course the story of Doctor Sleep itself doesn’t resemble The Shining much at all.

While I admit to being curious about what Lucas would have done, the idea of doubling down on the midi-chlorians thing doesn’t sound like a good idea. 

The one I remember is from the start Lucas wanted to go in the “ancient aliens” route ala Crystal Skull and the Ark of The Covenant would have simply contained a mysterious alien artifact that would have zapped the bad guys rather than literally the wrath of God.

Why is “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” such a funny fucking title?

Or “Who’s Gilbert Grape eating out”

Yeah, who DIDN’T dick slap someone back in 2002? Dick slapping was practically a national pastime in those days, I mean come on.