Kawaii as Fuck

Well Seymour I made it, DESPITE your directions.

Ok, that’s a totally fair response.

Trump is so obviously a moron who has no idea what he’s doing, I hope everyone but the most extreme of the extreme have figured that out by now and that there’s no way he could get reelected.

Heeeeeey, smoke up, Johnny!

That’s the thing about something like Dead or Alive, yeah it may be offensive in a technical sense but it’s all in good fun, not something worth getting upset over or wanting to be stricken from existence.

I think the problem for me is the obligatory nature of it, why does every game HAVE to feature a “diverse” cast no matter the context? It’s a game set in medieval czechoslovakia. would it have been impossible to run into a black person? Maybe not, would it have been very likely that you never would? Almost assuredly,

And here I was thinking I had mostly got over my fear of spiders but yeesh, that is HORRIFYING.

Bears, wolves and large cats may technically be more dangerous, but they’re not creepy looking, in fact being fellow mammals they are actually quite beautiful.

Very interesting premise.

Wa na na na na na na!

definitely not Matt Damon.

Well, from my experience my first dvd player was a PS2 I got in 2000, which would do double duty in my bedroom and the living room when my parents wanted to watch a dvd, but we still very much watched a lot of VHS tapes circa 2001.

My dad talks about that a LOT, how boomers gave his generation a hard time so he’s always going very easy on mine.

Makes sense, anyone born after 1996 is not really going to remember the late 90s and to me a millennial has to be someone who can actually remember, ya know, the turn of the millennium, anyone too young to do so is a newer generation.

What? And give up show business?

I’m glad he’s still with us too.

Just think, within the world of The Simpsons this is how people normally look.

No clue what you mean by that post.

Not too strange, I was still watching VHS tapes as late as 2002, so I can definitely imagine it still being majority VHS in 2001.

So in other words this isn’t as much of a laugh riot as another early 1800s set movie, Almost Heroes?