Kawaii as Fuck

Agreed, it’s good fun.

It look like shit anyway.

It’s mostly the novelty of it, the idea of going to a store devoted almost solely to movies, the physical act of walking around and browsing the shelves, a good excuse to get out of the house for a while and chatting with the employees.

I rented Soylent Green from Blockbuster once circa 2002.

What time period are we talking?

I do remember noticing back in the day that Hollywood Video had a lot more indie films than Blockbuster.

Yup, people used to literally compare the fast food industry to the tobacco industry back then, it’s not like that anymore.

Maybe, as a white teen who didn’t even have internet access at all in 2004 I really have no clue.



And look at what a great effect that’s had on American society!

Ring ring ring ring Banana Phone!

*Scrunches face and gives thumbs up*

Oh, a lot of people have decided that it’s just not something they eat, but they’ve accepted it’s existence, you no longer see people genuinely wanting McDonald’s to go out of business like you did in Super Size Me which ends with the image a of gravestone with “McDonald’s” written on it.

Can I just say that one of my favorite cultural trends of the 2010s is that people lightened up on fast food?

Nope, nobody really cared about media “representation” in 2004 like they do now, in fact most of the things people make a big fuss about today nobody gave a shit about in the 00s, it was an entirely different culture than the 2010s.

“There have been a few highs (Viva Piñata, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts) and a lot of lows (pretty much everything else)“

Also, that header reminds me of this.

Lisa Simpson is a fantasy of the direction the liberal writers of The Simpsons hoped America would take in the future but probably never will.

Curtis, ARE YOU DEAD!?