“These statistics only reflect a small percentage of the overall franchise.”
“These statistics only reflect a small percentage of the overall franchise.”
Didn’t she also make a movie about Bettie Page though?
Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?
Remember when this franchise actually had a certain mystique, back when you knew something was either from the mind of George Lucas or approved by him as opposed to some corporate committee that only cares about the bottom line?
Star Wars! Nothing but Star Waaaaaaaars!
Agreed, it’s past the point of incomprehensibility by now.
Lots of Jacksonville ads for me.
Remember when the comments on the AV Club could kill time for hours?
“I have a Dreamcast!” - Sega ad circa 1999.
From what I can tell it sounds like two totally different things and people shouldn’t conflate the two.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, obviously Tarantino wanted to leave things open enough in case he wanted to make another, but at the same time you can very easily say Bill dies.
Yeah, not gonna lie, I’m bummed out about that, as Kill Bill is my favorite Tarantino movie.
We can poo-poo CDs all we want but when Nightwish’s Once mysteriously vanished from iTunes before I could buy the whole album I dug out my old CD which was a lifesaver.
Well, you were literally alone, everyone and their grandmother at least entertained the possibility of Bush being behind 9/11 if they weren’t a full on believer after watching that documentary.
Was always curious about that hot sauce.
Oh, it was some scary fucking shit circa 2006 though, before it had been thoroughly debunked and back when it really seemed possible the future of the US would be some Bush led V For Vendetta style dystopia.
Yeah, I understand that actually, but I’ll take glamorous unreality over sleazy internet porn.
Methinks this should have been a miniseries and not an ongoing series.
Conan used to be gut bustingly funny, he’s lost a lot of that mojo since the switch to TBS though.
Speaking of ghosts and Helen Mirren, I’ve definitely experienced a “little death” when watching her scenes in Age of Consent.