Have you seen Park? You see another side of her.
Have you seen Park? You see another side of her.
Those Conan Walker, Texas Ranger clips continue to be some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.
Oh man, you’re telling me people take a lot of photos of world famous landmarks? Mind = blown.
Yeah, but no MST3K or anime.
Maybe I’ll give it a shot.
A big problem with Silent Hill is it literally changes everything, there’s not a single element from the game is not in some way changed, as if the director might have been a fan but was still pretentious enough that he changed everything for the sake of change in order to put his own “spin” on it.
The 2010s phase of it really is the most head scratching because they’re clearly TRYING so hard to make a good movie and it just still doesn’t work.
Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!
Does it use “swords” as a metaphor for something different a lot?
For me that was way more recent than you’d think given I was a relative latecomer to the internet.
“That’s what porn is for”
Blasting a load on a girl’s face probably was pretty edgy for early 2002.
He’ll be squirting “web” all over the place!
What’s the male to female nudity ratio? I can deal with hanging dong but you gotta have some naked ladies too.
Yeah, but who wouldn’t want to watch a movie with a hot Asian lady kicking ass?
In the case of Warriors the game might not have sold well enough to warrant a PC port in their eyes and with RDR the game had a troubled development and I believe the source code was barely hanging in there, so they may have felt the technical challenge of porting it to the PC would be too much.
The ICE!.... is gonna break!
I’m Herbert Moon!
Rockstar appears to pick what games do and don’t make it to PC totally by random, Manhunt has a PC port, but Warriors never did, the original version of Bully didn’t but the Scholarship Edition did.