
I am helping at my daughter's school with the hot lunch, all I know is each lunch must have a protein.

Not that this will stop relatives from downloading their favourite Anti Virus 2014 Free Edition from Legit Software Corp.

This is the only thing to use for cleaning a stainless steel sink! I used to use steel wool or some Soft Scrub on a sponge, but this stuff works much better. Removes rust and stains quickly and easily.

I'm glad brows are back. Mine cover most of my forehead.

I don't think anyone is acting like there was any criminal conduct here. "Threat" is not a legal term. If he'd said "I'm going to poison the food your children eat at school," I think we'd all agree that's a threat - even if it's highly unlikely that he intended to carry it out. Why is it different when he's

You lose credibly for arguing that the guy was actually threatening to anally rape her. It's certainly true that he shouldn't be making a rape joke (in this case a prepare your anus joke) but nobody seriously believed that to be a rape threat.

Vote: Notepad++


That is so true. When I learned to actually listen to what other people were saying rather than spending my listening time formulating the perfect reply, all of my communication improved. And I became a lot more likable.

Does anyone else find the sheer implication of this life hack a little funny? I mean, if you are wondering on 50 or 100 separate occasions whether you're pregnant ...

I think for 25 bucks you can get 8 boxes of cereal. That would be 20 meals too.

I would like to point out that many (all?) debit cards are supported by a credit card company, and can almost always be used as credit instead of debit at the machine/register. When used as credit rather than debit, most debit card users experience many of the security benefits that credit card users enjoy (such as

Forgot one step?

There are a couple of extensions that integrate the search bar and the address bar, and there is also an extension called Old Location Bar that makes FF's current address bar work like the one from 2.0 and 3.0 that automatically lists all the old urls by default as you type instead of the site names. It's pretty

Name of Tool: "Giving In" / "Yes, Dear" / "Happy Wife, Happy Life"

Super Glue

I sympathize with what you're saying about trying to find good clothes that fit, and I really want to support the point that fit is so important for bigger guys. I think a lot of bigger guys think that they will look worse if they wear fitted clothing, but the opposite is true: big, baggy clothes make bigger guys look