Duh, its SLAM. The Missile Boat had it in TIE Fighter. Obviously the Resistance jumped to the EU and picked it up.
Duh, its SLAM. The Missile Boat had it in TIE Fighter. Obviously the Resistance jumped to the EU and picked it up.
Did they overnight the parts from space-Japan?
Bitch, this is like all I do.
Either that, or Space NOS.
One of the facts from that trip still sticks with me.
Apparently the normal life expectancy for a vehicle used by aid organizations there is measured in months not years! I think 6 months was the figure he quoted?Insane.Just insane
Actually one of the weirdest parts of the story for me was how some roads were so eroded…
*I* care. Keep em comin Torch
I was just there! Represent, your country is lovely indeed.
More cars need hand cranks!
I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for this correction!
The glass 4wd...
“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”
Repair. It's all about keeping them going. This is designed with ease of repair in mind from the start, and in remote, low-tech locations, with minimal equipment. It's a big factor in areas like these, and most used options won't meet that demand.