
The older I get, the more convinced I am that there’s something fundamentally wrong with men who continue insisting that 18-year-old women are the most attractive women.

Yeah, I would have told him “you’ll have more free time now” but that never seemed like much of a problem for him.

Obsessing over keeping her a virgin and actually *desiring* her: those are two very different obsessions.

Like the trope of dads trying to prevent their daughters from dating until they’re 30. To protect the “innocence” of their precious little girl. I’d say most fathers don’t sexualize their daughters.

For real. The killer’s defense attorney could blame the whole thing on Sasquatch, and I’d be like “Well, sounds like reasonable doubt to me!”

Acknowledging your daughter is a sexual being is one thing, and is probably good for maintaining a healthy relationship. But yeah. I... don’t actually think that normal men look at their daughters as potential sexual partners. In fact, I would argue that that would then classify that man as “not normal.”

I have 3 girls.

An open relationship is the best option.


I think you’ve gotten a lot of really good replies so I won’t add anything else except seconding Dear Sugar’s advice. She's a great advice columnist & I would suggest reading the one that another poster linked to, and reading/listening to her other columns. She's gotten me thru a couple situations. Hugs. I hope you

I’m in agreement with the others about chasing everything down health and psychology/etc wise first. I think that’s worthwhile.

You deserve someone you’re attracted to, and he deserves someone who’s attracted to him. The fact that you can't even stand to kiss him or look at him during sex? It might feel rough to leave him for that now, but you'll realize you're doing you BOTH a favor not just when you find someone new, but when he finds

I’m thinking that it’s not so much that you hate sex with your husband, as it is that you got pushed into a lifelong commitment as a teenager that you weren’t ready for. Sex is something that should be enjoyed, and if you love your husband, and he’s good in bed, then something else is probably going on.

Oh, honey, you deserve so much better than this. It isn’t unreasonable for you to want to be sexually attracted to your spouse, and to be able to enjoy having sex with them. Ultimately, that lack of attraction hurts your relationship in other ways, however much you might like him as a human. It doesn’t make you

How many of you have noticed that the people who claim to have the thickest skin and be able to take whatever is handed to them usually turn out to be the biggest whinging babies when you actually are straight with them? Not just dudes, although it’s usually dudes.

I returned from Puerto Rico a week and a half ago and it was SOOOOO GREAT YOU GUYS. Thank you to everyone here who gave me suggestions (Adrastra, AllieCat, Funky Bitch, Tora-chan, others). Old San Juan is magical. My favorite day was the first full day we were there when we hit up the beach in the morning, then went

Um, really? You’d think that drug addicts would be happy as long as they just had social tolerance and access to their drugs? If that’s the case, why in God’s name should anyone frown on drug addiction?

Huh. And I had heard such good things about mashed onion.

1) Yes, when I am considering a relaxing weekend away from home, the first place I think of is the home where two people were chopped to bits with an axe. And let me at that bedroom where the female victim was found!!! I can’t wait to lay my head down on the pillow a mere feet from where her brains were spilled out

I first heard Tig’s routine about her diagnosis when someone sent it to me and all I could think bitterly was “Oh, great, just what I need.” I was flat on my back, 5 months into chemo at 33 for breast cancer. I was so goddamn sick of cancer and I wanted nothing to do with still more cancer.