katy red

From the original article: "Cage apparently had a comic book collection worth over $1.6 million dollars—including Action Comics #1, which marks the very first appearance of Superman, and Detective Comics 38, which introduced Batman’s BFF Robin."

Spoiler alert: some commentators entirely miss the point of sarcastic comments.

Spoiler alert! What if we didn't know about the giant troll fist? Actually, just mentioning Sigourney Weaver is a bit of a spoiler.

This article may be about Kathy Bates but I'm pretty sure that's a picture of Sam Kinison.

From above: "…was complicit in the killings of three murders in Philadelphia, Missouri."

(Spoiler alert to correction of spoiler).

"Community seems likely to join it for a sixth season. And a movie."

I thought for a moment that this was going to be an article about People In Trouble, the novel that Rent literally plagiarized.

Wait, was Jack Nicholson not famous in the 80s? Why is he there but not introduced?