1. this guy clearly has no idea what he is even talking about and is aping steve jobs.
1. this guy clearly has no idea what he is even talking about and is aping steve jobs.
yeah this wouldn't be through at&t, they have nothing to do with nexus one updates, silly you gizmodo.
whats big deal here anyway? theres multiple far superior phones out there. quit whining and get a better phone... the iphone has sucked for years, it's never been anything other than an 'oooh that looks cool' B.S. device. get an android or blackberry if you want a real piece of technology that can coexist without…
on a side note, all kidding aside. wow @ the poor quality and stutter that exists on all the 720p videos people are posting. this simply looks terrible, whats the point of 720p video if it looks this bad...just wow
ooooooooh templates, way to go spielberg.
@Dancing Milkcarton: WELL PFFT... your mom goes to college.
@monkey046: here's the genuine american opinion on soccer: oh it's really low scoring, well ok, not much action happening.. man these guys sure do roll around pretending to be hurt a lot. ok guys the games ALMOST OVER IT'S GETTING EXCITING ...OMFG WE WON!!!!.....wait what? we didn't, so not much happened, guys acted…
@G-Ram: lol wow, dumbest statement of the day.. i can make a video with 1 image thats 30 seconds and make the video say 30fps, the amount of images has NOTHING to do with the fps it recorded at...wow dude, next time don't comment.
this is actually extremely less quality than the recent 720p video recording for the nexus one. i was expecting this to blow it away, however, it just doesn't.
i've never seen such a mess, and for something that isn't even that big of an upgrade. apple truly are the fucking masters of convincing you to buy something that is at best marginally better than the faggotry that you've already bought into. people so willing to jump on board the censorboat. LET'S ALL GET AN…
@AWood1982: hmm.. "fractured" yeah i see that word a lot on apple fanboy blogs. but i doubt you can even elaborate onto what that even means. let me save you time. that word means nothing, other than it sounds bad and apple uses it to describe the OS they're playing catch-up with.
@pixelsnader: what is ahead of the pack in any way about this handset? i jumped ship from iphone land after this was announced. and samsung has even publicly outed apple saying oled screens are better than retina, period. as far as the rest, well android is doing everything this phone does, and better.
i seem to be at a loss to understand how this high pixel density even matters on the same crappy screen size and same boring looking OS. seems they should have redesigned some things so it feels new, looks same old same old if you ask me.
this version actually removes hardware acceleration on os x. if you want flash with hardware acceleration stick to one of the beta versions. this article should note that.
@lizaoreo: it always bothers me when people compare something like a backflip or a cliq to iphone or palm.
@freakshowtime: this pretty much sums it up, while most of what the poster says is accurate, the fact that the phones you can put webOS on are terrible makes webOS, well, basically moot. the key factors honestly aren't the sums of categorizable wins.
@NeoTechni: well have fun being one of the first to get a 3d tv, when nothing is broadcast that utilizes it and it dies quicker than the dreamcast. then you'll think, i wish i hadn't told that guy to shut up, i should have listened.
lets ignore the brand for a moment, i love sony, but, is anyone else just disappointed that this 3d push is even happening? i mean, it's not going to catch on, people aren't suddenly going to want to wear fucking glasses to watch tv or a movie on their own couch, and the sets only come with one pair.
i've been making tea like this for 10 years, i didn't realize this wasn't the way to do it...well close to this anyway, i just let 6 bags steep with 1.5 quarts of boiled water, then pour over ice, it dilutes to the proper amount... i was really sure this is how everyone made tea, i guess i was wrong.