i dusted off the ipod touch i never use, jailbroke it just to test it out, then realized i have absolutely no use for this thing as i have a nexus one and put it on ebay.
i dusted off the ipod touch i never use, jailbroke it just to test it out, then realized i have absolutely no use for this thing as i have a nexus one and put it on ebay.
ll, ths wll b gng n ntl fg5 cms t..gv m brk...wht'd ppl tll y tht y hd tckt t WWDC f y stf bt ths?
guess you need android for that...
i don't buy into the 'not that many people are complaining about this issue line. because well, the fact of the matter is anyone truly into 'tech' isn't going to have an iphone. why? because anyone who is actually genuinely hobbyfied by electronics and tech want devices that don't constantly tell them they can't do…
it's pretty hilarious that yesterday this place was full of people saying they wouldn't be happy with a bumper, now that steve said thats the solution everyone is in love with him again. consumer reports sure isn't, they're still saying don't buy an iphone, [www.cnn.com] so clearly this isn't going away
@fireb0x: i don't have to 'own the damn thing' for this to matter to me. apple stock is a huge part of the DJIA. steve and apple are costing everyone money and stock prices by dancing around like a bunch of idiots to distract you from the fact that they have produced an inferior product that is hurting their stock…
God has just said we're floating it wrong and that if we put a bumper case around the earth the problem will go away.
@tasteskindasalty: Prior to it being jobs solution everyone wanted the hardware fixed. Here's why its a bad solution. The outside antenna design was touted as the phones coolest new feature and design aesthetic, now they want you to have to cover that up just to use the phone? Not good enough. It's shameful that…
@The Lab: I see now that iphone supporters are more worried about people thinking their phone sucks than actually being worried about having the problem fixed. OK GUYS THAT'S A WRAP STEVE SAID THE ISSUE IS FIXED NOW PLEASE EVERYONE GO BACK TO THINKING I'M AWESOME FOR BUYING THIS
@Tetsuooooooo: Delusional about what? As long as steve jobs got up and said it want an issue, pretty sure my opinion is ok
@jeriryan87: so you were waiting on a solution that already existed and 0 acknowledgment of the issue prior to purchasing...wise consumer there folks
@Dancing Milkcarton: I would do that if arbys was selling food you couldn't eat
@pupaboy3: Fuel to the fire if you ask me
@The Lab: It wont go away I assure you, it doesn't cover future purchasers or even fix the problem, this will be a long standing issue and apples biggest black eye to date.especially for how poorly they handled it. I can't wait to watch apple deny that viruses exist in os x
Its un effing believable that he said all phones do this. What a jackass, didn't even acknowledge it. The shit storm article was right, this isn't going to go away
WOW, jobs is an idiot at this point. What a joke. "there its no antenna issue but since you are all whining here is a free bumper to ugly your phone up. Looks is the only reason I can think of to even own that phone.
@Sent from my toilet: I'm a previous iphone user and I bought a nexus one. Changed my life, you realize that all ios really is is a launcher to launch apps when other platforms os's actually preform functions.
Yes we all know apple fans put up with inferior products just because apple made it. crack journalism here...this isn't even new, multiple apple products have failed or been flawed before like macbooks or imacs with screen issues. Its great that you love your phone, that has nothing to do with the fact that that's a…
is there any word for a fix to let most data services work over 3g? i'm dying to switch from this android phone that lets me do everything without wifi, including video chat, i want to be severely limited with my connections, this antenna issue sounds like my cup of tea.
@gabrielsmiles: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...