
someone buy this book for steve jobs' christmas present please!

@Paladin58: i can tell you right now that my decision would do whatever brought the most superior product to my customers. plenty of other developers manage to make ports that are equal to if not matching the 360's versions, and this, as i stated before, is obviously a low, cheap blow from rockstar. theres no doubt

whats dumb about these stories is that the playstation would inarguably run this game vastly superior to the 360 if the developers simply did their job and supplied the ps3 with an appropriate version and not a shitty port. no ps3 exclusive games get crippled like this, these are small, meaningless shots at sony by a

well i'm an ex 'full package hd dvr' guy. and what did it for me was rss feeds. i finally realized one day that i'm paying $150/mo. to be constantly advertised to on a device i pay for. so i finally ditched the service all together (time warner) and i now have a set up that consists of this: 1 desktop that has an

i always love watching the insanely large number of people who comment on stories that have no relevance to them, like how theres so many people that either don't drink or don't drink beer that think they should chime in on the comments, i can only dream of days where i even have time to do something like that on a

@mrpibb79: run os x on your pc, if you have a core2duo it's incredibly simple, if not you'll have to do a little work, google is your friend, lifehacker has some great posts on it.

i have a million reasons why i don't like this device, but one would change my mind, JUST RUN OS X ON IT, DONE problems solved. or even better yet, since it is literally a bloated ipod touch or iphone, sell a 200 shell tablet that you can just pop your iphone/ipod into the back of, dock style, and it can display your

@vinterchaos: i've lived without a pc for 12 years, happily, congratulations to you tho, you've joined the ranks of 13 year old winfags everywhere. kudos.

i've used blackberry, palm, android, and iphone, the iphone by far has the dumbest syncing/backup options of all smart phones i've tried, i wouldn't even call it a smart phone.