
Anybody that says “sports players should just shut up and play”.... well are you gonna say that “teachers need to just shut up and teach”? This brave citizen has made an enormous impact on SO MANY LIVES, and how can anyone dismiss that voice?? But really, how can anyone dismiss any of these voices that are bold,

My 16-year old daughter said to me the other day “mom you know Disney made baby Yoda just to make a mint, right? You know they wrote a story around a character they created just to cash in on... they are going to make a billion dollars on it.” Kids. So skeptical. So smart.

So much this. I admit that I watched the forgiveness speech last night and was moved. My kids watched it as well, and I said “His brother is a better person than I am.” And then we went to bed.

i’ve always been a fan of Tiger. I also always been a fan of what Elin could do to Tiger with a golf club.

Tesla Model S owner here, Metro Detroit. There are more than 3 in the area, but not many. Since Tesla dealerships are illegal in Michigan, you have to jump through sone serious hoops if you want to own a Tesla in Michigan. Ours had to be acquired in Chicago.

What about RAM? I’m tired of how my phone is always crashing because I have 57 tabs open in Safari. Yes, I have a problem because I keep so many tabs open, but 6 Plus users across the board concede to the consistent crashing due to low RAM.

Have you seen the bulk of drone videos? Or of demolition videos? So many demolition videos are on the ground with a straight on perspective. An aerial viewpoint really adds to the experience and how often can you see a building about to be blown up, and look in the windows seconds beforehand and see couches still in

My husband and I watched this video a week or so ago, and I actually shared it on my Facebook page. This was a GREAT use of music, we both really loved your artistic spin.

I have quite a sense of humor and absolutely appreciate your disgusting read into things.😉

I suppose we might have a unique relationship in that he didn’t have to convince me of anything.

My husband is the guy that shot this video and I am so thrilled that he is getting recognition for his talent/hobby. He shot the footage at 8:00 am, and we were in a Tim Horton’s by 8:30 am so he could edit the video and share it with our local newspaper by 10:00 am. Thank you for sharing this, and again, I am such a

Best headphones ever. Lifetime warranty. And they were $25.

We have the Breville toaster oven and it truly is a great appliance. It's the only toaster oven that I've encountered that feels like quality: the door doesn't slam shut like a teeny piece of tin and the screen is bright and easy to read. It has functionality for anything an oven or toaster can do, heats up quickly,

My husband buys every Breville appliance, and when he said we “had” to get the Breville Tea Maker, I said HELL NO. I drink gallons of tea on a weekly basis but I couldn’t justify the cost. He doesn’t drink tea. But he liked the tea maker.

My husband buys every Breville appliance, and when he said we “had” to get the Breville Tea Maker, I said HELL NO. I

Yep, this. My husband and I fight over this one. He swore he would never be addicted to anything with "Mojito" in the name. He lied. It is amazing. M+G is not sticky or tacky, and it leaves your lips feeling perfectly moisturized for a long time. Love.

Yep, this. My husband and I fight over this one. He swore he would never be addicted to anything with "Mojito" in

Yes to this. Yes yes yes. There are so many comorbids that go with ADHD. If you have some comorbidities along with ADHD, you definitely should try to have a psychiatrist do the med evaluation and fine-tuning. Family doctors are great for simple cases, but mixing psychotropic meds really warrants a professional.

Oh, another thing: my daughters are BOTH ADHD. We did all kinds of therapy and dragged our feet on meds. EVEN THOUGH WE SAW THE RESULTS WITH ME. Parents never just go into a doctor and say "give me a pill for my kid." We want to do everything else, everything natural, holistic, psychotherapeutic before we start having

Go get the book "So I'm not lazy, stupid or Crazy?". It will help you so much. I read the book and instantly saw myself in there. I would read excerpts to my husband and be like "That's totally me!" And he didn't want to admit it, but it was true.
I look back at my childhood and see the missed opportunities. I was the

Yes, this. This is my life. I was not diagnosed until my mid-20's, after I had my first child. My house was a wreck, my marriage was a wreck, my mothering was non-existent. My complete lack of executive function was eroding every single facet of my life. I'd been diagnosed with depression multiple times, put on every